
Examination Documentation and Timetables will be published on this page as soon as the information becomes available. Please keep an eye on any information as it may be subject to change.

Examination Regulations
The Examination Boards produce strict guidelines for the behaviour of candidates in the examination venue. Copies of these regulations can below. Contravention of the regulations has to be reported to the Awarding Body, who will almost certainly disqualify the candidate from the paper in question. Awarding Bodies could also decide to ban the student from sitting any other examinations with their Board and inform the other Examination Boards to follow suit.

Despite examinations being a government requisite, entering students is not free; each of the Examination Boards has a difference scale of fees. Whilst the College will pay for students to sit their examinations, if a candidate fails to turn up for an examination, without good reason, the College will need to recoup this payment.
Statements of Entry
Statements of Entry will arrive from the Awarding Bodies and will be issued to candidates via tutors. This is the official notification from both the College and the Examination Board that a student has been entered for an examination.  The Statement of Entry should be checked for errors with name spelling or the date of birth to avoid incorrect information being printed on the certificates.  Students are responsible for knowing when and where their examinations will take place and should not wait for or rely on staff reminders.

The Statement of Entry lists the examinations students are due to sit and should be brought in on the examination day in case of query. Candidates should check that none of their subjects are missing from the Statements of Entry and must let the Examinations Department know immediately if they find an error.  It is vital that students learn their four digit candidate number, which can be found at the top of the Statement, as it will need to be written on every question paper. 
Examination Day
Examinations must be taken at the stated time as all centres across the country have to administer the paper at the same time. Students must attend at least fifteen minutes before the examination's scheduled start time and must have all the necessary equipment in a see-through pencil case. Please ensure that calculators are working properly in advance of the examination and are free from lids or cases. Students may only write in black pen (no gel pens), but pencil may be used for diagrams and charts. The use of ink erasers, correcting fluids and blotting paper is not permitted; mistakes should be crossed through neatly and the right answer written beside the error.

Many papers are scanned by the Awarding Body so the examiners can receive and mark the papers on their computer. It is imperative that candidates keep their answers in the spaces indicated and do not write outside the black lines on each page or the work will not be picked up by the scanner and will therefore not be marked. Should students require additional space for their answers, some question papers have extra pages at the back of the exam booklet to use and others ask for paper to be treasury tagged in to accommodate these answers. Students must ensure that their name, candidate number, centre number and question number are clearly written on these extra pages.

Mobile phones, watches and other electronic devices must be handed in when candidates enter the examination venue; they will be given back at the end of the paper. Mobile phones need to be switched off, not left on silent or vibrate, and any alarms disabled. Awarding Bodies will disqualify a student with unauthorised items in their possession. If possible, please leave these items at home on examination days.

Prior to the examination, students will line up in the Quad according to their seat rows and will then be directed into the examination venue one row at a time. Coats and bags must be left in the area outside the room during the examination. Copies of the seating plans are displayed on the examination venue window and students are likely to be in different seats for different papers. For students who have seats in rooms other than the main venue, they should make their way directly to their venue. Seating plans should be checked well in advance of the scheduled start time for the examination.
Illness / Circumstances affecting examination performance
Should a student's examination performance on the day be affected by illness or other circumstance, it is essential that this is reported to the Examinations Manager urgently. The Awarding Bodies will be made aware of the situation and can decide to give special consideration to the examination paper in serious circumstances.

If a student is too ill to sit their examination, a Doctor's note or medical certificate is needed as proof for the Board. Please also telephone the College to ensure that we are aware that the student will not be arriving. The Examination Board is only able to award a complete qualification grade if all components have been attempted, but, with medical evidence, a mark may be adjusted in severe cases.
If students have a query regarding examinations or are not sure for which examinations they have been entered, they should visit the Examinations Department in L21.

Examination Documentation

Please click on the below documents to view, download or print them:
Examination Timetable March 2025
Year 11 PPE Examination Timetable 2025

Warning to Candidates 

Information for Candidates – Written Examinations Information for Candidates – Onscreen Examinations Instructions for Candidates – Non Examined Assessment Information for Candidates – Social Media Information for Candidates – CourseworkInformation for Candidates - Privacy Notice

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