Well-being Information

At Kings, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our students.
If you have any particular concerns regarding your child’s emotional health and wellbeing, please contact either your child’s tutor of Head of Year.

If you have a safeguarding concern or query at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Banner:

We are mindful that student well-being is just as an important issue outside of school as it is in school.  The school has a Welfare Officer, Miss Houghton, who works with parents and carers to support young people and their families, please feel free to contact her with any questions or for support on:

The range of links and resources outlined on this page is by no means exhaustive, but offers some guidance to external support should you require it. We would welcome feedback and recommendations of additional information that parents and carers have themselves found useful and supportive. 

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